






Tim Lloyd MA(Cantab) DipArch MBA DipProjMan RIBA MIAM MRICS
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> Tim Lloyd


Tim qualified as an architect in 1986. His main interests are exploiting the relationship between building design and operational performance and aligning business and real estate strategies. These interests led him to extend his professional skills, taking a masters degree in business administration and qualifying as a chartered surveyor.

Tim is a Council member of the Institute of Asset Management. In 2004 he identified the need for a UK industry standard in property asset management and initiated the current project, supported by IAM, BIFM, RIBA, COPROP, OGC and others to specify a business management system for managing property assets.

In 2003, Tim established CONSILIAN, which aligns initial design proposals with business analysis using advice from a range of networked property consultants. CONSILIAN is appointed with IPF / CIPFA to Her Majesty’s Courts Service under a Framework Agreement to provide strategic planning services for the Joint Estate.

Tim has worked on a wide range of projects in the UK and overseas. In 1995 he was asked to take over as project manager for the Sheraton Towers hotel in Hanoi, Vietnam, where he re-engineered the project to save $18m in cost, save time, double the building’s net worth, improve the facilities and restore its commercial viability.

For each assignment, Tim is committed to adding value to client’s projects through a creative but business-focused approach to design and development opportunities. For portfolios and master planning projects he can advise how to structure, maintain and exercise development options over time to gain optimal results.

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